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Groot Lab boosts Amsterdam North


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November 22, 2024

Thanks to Groen in de buurt, A Lab, Breitner Academy and ClinkNOORD give color to the Overhoeksplein, Badhuiskade and Bercylaan in Noord, with a 200 meter long façade garden maintained by residents, students, hotel guests and neighbors. Follow the latest news about the construction of the façade garden here. Any questions? Mail to

Let's get started!

On Tuesday, November 26, the removal of the tiles around A Lab, ClinkNoord and the Breitner Academy will start. Temporary fences will be installed 1 meter from the façade, so that the workspace remains free. All entrances remain freely accessible, but bicycles can no longer be placed near the façade (not even once the façade garden is there:)) There is a lot of space in the area and several new bicycle racks have been built; check this map for a map of bicycle spaces.

The work is expected to be completed by December 6.

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Geen items gevonden.

Our façade garden

The façade garden is about 193 meters long, making it the longest in Amsterdam! The tiles have been removed from the ground and are being reused elsewhere in Amsterdam. After the soil has been excavated, a Rain Up system installed. This system collects rainwater and returns it to the plants when needed. The façade garden is then filled with plants from Northern flowers. An urban nursery in Amsterdam North, where native and organic plants are grown by growers, volunteers and participants in the Salvation Army's daily activities.

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Geen items gevonden.

Gardens Collective

To maintain the façade garden, we are still looking for volunteers who would like to take care of a piece of the façade garden. We already have a nice club that has joined the A Lab Gardens Collective, the Breitner Academy and ClinkNOORD. When you become a member of the collective, you will receive training to (further) develop your green thumb, you will talk to passers-by and you will provide happy neighbours and a biodiverse neighborhood. Want to help out? Mail to

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