Nan Goldin versus the opiates — The opiate crisis is wreaking havoc in the United States: the number of overdose deaths continues to rise. And that crisis can be traced back to the wealthy Sackler family, according to photographer Nan Goldin. She made a documentary about that that you must see!
The waterwork of our money — This video of Carlijn Kingma's beautiful drawing explains the world of money, because it seems like no one, even top bankers, really understands it.
I, Daniel Blake — About how protocols and bureaucracy can crush people in need.
Out of the Shadows — is a short film about falling behind and getting stuck in the bureaucracy.
Wat we gemeen hebben — Thijs Lijster
Free, Fair and Alive — David Bollier
Toekomstbedrijven — Gijsbert Koren & Nina de Korte
Het is aan ons — Merlijn Twaalfhoven
Samen — Richard Sennett
Alledaags activisme — Chris Julien
Burgerberaad — Eva Rovers
Kolonisatie van de toekomst— David van Reybrouck
Wereld van gemeenschappen— Floor Ziegler/Teun Gautier
De burger is niet gek— Bert Blase
Silent Spring — Rachel Carson