No matter how peculiar your ideas may be, we are eager to hear them. A Lab is the most adventurous community in Amsterdam, a breeding ground for ideas, neighbourhood center, studio, hub, stage, workplace, and connector all rolled into one. A motley crew of creative, innovative, and socially conscious entrepreneurs venturing into uncharted territories, both in Amsterdam and beyond.
You see, in A Lab, the possibilities are infinite, and that’s because we don’t play by the rules. We offer 20,000 cubicle meters of space for new ideas to grow, change direction, succeed, and fail. It’s a place where ideas learn to stand on their own, accelerate, and spread into the rest of the world. A Lab is a source of unparalleled developments, unique perspectives, and new insights for those who are curious.
Curiosity, as you know, is the key to progress. It’s not always necessary to know exactly what you’re looking for as long as you’re willing to find it. If you’re curious, open to exploration, and never too good to learn, then throw your conventions out the window and let your mind run free. What would you do if anything were possible? What catches your eye? What nourishes your brain and quickens your heart? What tickles your curiosity?
Discover the colourful stories and connect with our community of independent entrepreneurs. Here, feedback is always available, and cross-pollination is around the corner. Work with a variety of creative entrepreneurs, from designers, artists, and visual makers to digital startups, social entrepreneurs, and vertical farmers. Each one is a world-changer, storyteller, and pioneer. With one foot in the North and our tendrils in the city, A Lab opens doors to all corners of the world. Experience the power of the past and the aspirations of the future, and together, unleash the world of tomorrow. Be curious, it’ll work.